We’ve installed thousands of environmentally-conscious ice rink systems across the globe.
The history of ice skating began on frozen ponds. Today, those ponds are freezing and melting earlier because of climate change. As an industry, it's on us to help make sure that future generations can continue to participate in the winter pastimes and
sports we all love. That’s why the ice rink refrigeration systems we manufacture are part of the solution.
Climate science says natural refrigerants are the most environmentally-friendly choice. That’s why CIMCO’s ice
rink refrigeration packages run on ammonia or CO₂, climate-friendly refrigerants with zero or negligible Global Warming Potential.
![Thermal Force One - CIMCO Refrigeration [Ice Rink Contractors]](https://cdntoromontsites.azureedge.net/cimco-prod-redesign/images/default-source/default-album/thermal-force-one---cimco-refrigeration-ice-rink-contractors.png?sfvrsn=95bfc622_0)
Product spotlight: Thermal Force One

Finding the right answer starts with asking the right questions. So before you finalize your R-22 phase out plan, use the chart in the button below to help gauge some important system factors and determine which strategy is the best fit for your facility.